Brookridge Calisto Fairest
Name: Brookridge Calisto Fairest CRN: 020881 Points: 18180 FMCh Title: Flyball Master Champion Breed: Australian Shepherd Best Time: 5.033 - 1/14/2006 - DGF Winter Wuffest V Nick-Name: "Callie, Fluff-butt, Brat" Owner(s): Nadine and Andy McBride Likes: Anything edible and trying to kill water hoses Dislikes: Not getting her own way Information: Callie is a 10-year-old Aussie. When she isn't playing flyball, Callie enjoys playing with her "brother" Splash and watching over her human child, Cam. Achievements: NAFA Flyball Master(FM), NADAC Novice Agility Certificate (NAC), ASCA Regular Standard Novice (RS-N), AKC Novice Agility Jumpers (NAJ), NADAC Open Gamblers Certificate (OGC), ASCA Gamblers Standard Open (GS-O), NADAC Tunnelers Open (TN-O), NADAC Open Jumpers Certificate (OJC), USDAA Starters Jumpers (SJ) |