Scott's Tacoma Avalanche
Name: Scott's Tacoma Avalanche CRN: 091077 Points: 4041 FDCh-G Title: Flyball Dog Champion Gold Breed: American Staffordshire Terrier Best Time: 4.742 - 3/24/2012 - Fur Fun _March Nick-Name: ""Ava", Ava Bean, Piglet, AvaNator" Owner(s): Jovana Fizovich Likes: Food, Food, and oh yeah FOOD Dislikes: Being bored Information: Our relationship started off innocently enough with me just baby sitting her when she was 8 weeks old. After being at my house for 2 weeks, her new owner realized that she would not be able to keep her. And this is where I come in :) I just figured I have 3 dogs, what's another one. She has turned out to be a very sweet, happy and extrimely intelligent little girl and I am so glad to have her. Achievements: Ava graduated from Focus class in 2008. *Ava received her FD and FDX at the February 13-14, 2010 Pawmetto Pack Tournament. * She earned her FDCh in early 2010. * FDCh Silver on 04-02-11 at the DGF Flyball Tournament. * Ava earned her FDCh Gold and beat her fastest time (new time 4.5??) at the DGF Winter Wuffest Tournament 01-21/22-2012. |